Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How can I use video creating or podcasting int he classroom?:

The main reason I enjoy video creation, viewing, and podcasting is because the new and exciting technology takes students from this:
to this:
(Warning: possible exaggeration above)
But in all actuality, students respond well to technology as well as interactive learning.
Video Creating is great for this. Students can make videos that demonstrate or emphasize concepts that are being learned in the classroom. These types of projects can appeal to every student. Outgoing students can be in front of the camera, shy or introverted students can be behind the camera, tech savvy students can be part of the editing process, and every student can have a part in a current form of interactive learning. 

Podcasts are exciting to me because I love the idea of a flipped classroom. This is where the students do traditional homework during class time and listen to lectures as homework on their own time. In history I would use this technique to generate more class discussion and boost writing assignments. Having the resources available to allow students to listen to lecture outside of class makes this possible. With podcasting students can receive all the information they need about dates, concepts, themes, and controversies before they come to class and then have the entire time in class to work in groups or one on one with the teacher. Class discussions are a important way for students to learn. They often learn better when trying to express their own ideas and thoughts about a certain topic and sharing in small groups in nonthreatening. One thing I think students lack is the ability to write good papers quickly. There is not enough writing taking place in the classroom and history is a great time to make sure students are getting a lot of those skills they will need when they move onto college. Podcasts will allow students to listen to the lecture on their own time and then come to class to brainstorm, talk among their peers, or with the teacher to get started on the writing process. This way students have the teacher on hand if they run into any difficulties.

1 comment:

  1. Laughs for days! The guy dancing with the dog is great. I'd believe anything on the internet if he was there. Haha...
